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    Proletariat 2020

    Score Pending
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    underrated honestly

    I know, I know most people are burnt out on battle royale games now. Fornite killed them all. But Spellbreak is different, and very refreshing!
    Imagine a BR but instead of looting guns, you grab spell gauntlets to blast everyone away with fire magic or bolts of lightning!
    I love the way different elements interact (eg setting fire to a tornado for a colossal firenado, or freezing a toxic gas cloud) and the matchmaking feels great.

    4 years ago 1 LIKE

    Spellbreak is a new battle royale, multiplayer only game available on PC, PlayStation 4, XBox One, Switch, developed and published by Proletariat. Spellbreak released in North America September 3, 2020, with other territories having the same or similar release dates. Spellbreak currently has 1 review on SnipCritic, and is awaiting additional reviews before its review score can be calculated and available. Spellbreak copyright © Proletariat. SnipCritic has made a concerted effort in asserting the validity of information herein, but this information may have changed between the time this statement was created and the current date; SnipCritic cannot be held responsible for incorrect or invalid data. To modify or correct these details, please log in with a publisher account and submit the necessary changes.

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